
Infertilty Massage

Wow, it has been quite some time since I've written a blog! Now that I am, what better thing to write about then the new aspect of my massage therapy practice: Infertility Massage. Originally titled Fertility Massage, yet I have decided to change it to Infertility as that really is what is happening.

Infertility Massage (or IM for short on this blog) is a specialized massage working with both the reproductive and digestive systems of the body. Some of the benefits of IM are:
  • Helps to restore the uterus to its normal position and shape if it has become tilted
  • Helps restore the uterus to its normal position if it has been compressed by overloaded intestines
  • Improves circulation and brings fresh oxygenated blood to the reproductive organs
  • Helps loosen scar tissue and clear blockages from the fallopian tubes
  • Helps to improve digestive health Helps to eliminate impacted intestines
  • Helps to achieve hormonal balance
As many of you who might be reading this know, many women and couples will do anything to achieve their ultimate, life-time goal of being parents. I'm sure many people know someone who have tried for years to get pregnant and either go with in-vitro fertilization (IFV), adoption or just finally give up after years of emotional heartache. Infertility Massage can be an alternative to, prior or during IVF treatment. However, IM is at a significantly lower cost, as well as having some of the great health benefits as listed above.

Statistics, statistics, statistics. Most people want to know, will this work? Of course I can't promise 100%, yet here are two studies for you to see the promise:
Medscape General Medicine Ob/Gyn & Women's Health, 6/18/04 reviewed the outcome of infertile women and divided them into two groups: natural fertility and pre-IVF. Women in both groups received therapy to their abdominal/pelvic area. Of the natural fertility group, of the 14 patients available for follow-up, 71% became pregnant within one year. Of the IVF group 22 of 33 embryo transfers were successful, which is significantly higher than the estimated odds ratio for successful pregnancies.
Alternative Therapies, Jan/Feb 2008, Vol 14, No 1 studied the impact of pelvic physical therapy for blocked fallopian tubes. 28 infertile women who had been diagnosed with complete tubal occlusion were give 20 hours of manual physical therapy treatment. One month later, the women were tested to determine the status of the blockages. Seventeen of the 28 patients (61%) showed that the tubal blockages had been released. Nine of the 17 women went on to become pregnant. The study concluded that because "truly occluded tubes are not known to reopen spontaneously, the results suggest this non-invasive therapy might be considered as adjuvant to standard gynecological procedures in treating tubal occlusion."

For more information on Heavenly Healing Mobile Massage, please visit my website . Learn something new daily, connect with me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter.

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